If you have any questions, please ask your artist or office staff. Please follow one of the two methods that are listed. As well as follow advice and recommendations your artist gives you.
Minimize exposure to the sun for at least two weeks after you’ve received a fresh tattoo.
It is recommended not to swim until tattoo is completely healed.
Properly cleanse the fresh tattoo daily until healed. (instructions list below)
Apply antibiotic ointment or cream.
Use sterile bandage(s) or other sterile dressing when necessary.
At the first sign of infection, adverse or allergic reaction due to the tattoo, the client shall consult with a health care practitioner. Report any findings to the tattoo artist and to the Texas Department of State Health Services, Drugs and Medical Devices Group at 1-888-839-6676.
Method One
Second Skin (this medical grade adhesive wrap the creates a barrier which eliminates contamination of tattoo area and promotes quicker healing). It is latex-free, waterproof, breathable, and hypoallergenic. For more info on Second Skin go to their site at
Leave the bandage applied by artist on for 7 days (bandage is waterproof)
- Once it is time to remove.
- ​Remove in shower slowly by allow warm water around area.
Slowly pull wrap downward still allowing water to saturate
Wash tattoo with anti-microbial soap and rinse well.
DONOT towel dry, use a piece of paper towel and pat dry.
If purchased apply tattoo aftercare ointment or antibiotic ointment.
- ​Remove in shower slowly by allow warm water around area.
Use coconut oil to remove access adhesive and wash again.
Wash your tattoo twice a day after removing bandage as well as apply unscented lotion after tattoo is dry.
Continue to apply unsented lotion to keep skin healthy.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Also helps to keep skin hydrated and healthy looking.
Keep fresh tattoos out of sun for at least six days.
Use sunscreen!! We cannot express this enough. Make sure anytime you are exposed to the sun to always use sunblock and if possible, cover skin with UV protected clothing.
Method Two
Wrap Method (use if allergic to adhesive):
Again, when using any method keep fresh tattoo completely out of exposure to the sun for at least six days.
Use store baught Saran Wrap (Cling Wrap) and medical grade tape.
The wrap needs to be changed three times a day (morning, midday and evening)
Place wrap around tattoo and tape down to hold in place. ​
Washing tattoo.
Remove in shower slowly by allow warm water around area.
Slowly pull wrap downward still allowing water to saturate
Wash tattoo with anti-microbial soap and rinse well.
Use coconut oil to remove access adhesive and wash again.
DONOT towel dry, use a piece of paper towel and pat dry.
If purchased apply tattoo aftercare ointment or antibiotic ointment.
Replace with new bandage
After six days and once tattoo is healed after washing the tattoo always pat dry and apply water based unscented lotion or tattoo ointment.
Use sunscreen!! We cannot express this enough. Make sure anytime you are exposed to the sun to always use sunblock and if possible, cover skin with UV protected clothing.